If you are redecorating your home, then deciding which paint to use is a vital consideration, but what matters most about your chosen paint? You might think that selecting the colour of the paint was the most crucial detail, but there is far more to picking your paint than choosing a colour scheme. While many people who are engaged in decorating will simply head to their nearest DIY stockist to choose their paint, but is that really the best option?

What's wrong with using paint from the DIY store?

One of the most common mistakes made by the home decorator is to try and cut costs by choosing a cheap brand of paint. While the savings can seem attractive at first glance, the truth is that cheap paint can often work out more expensive when calculated over the whole job. What many people don't realise, is that while your local DIY store may be an obvious destination for homeowners, most decorating professionals will obtain their supplies from a store that sells Haymes trade paint and other similar brands. There are at least two reasons that buying from a shop that sells Haymes trade paint makes the most sense.

Much less wastage

One of the first things that you notice about most brands of trade paint is that they are available in much larger tubs than the type of paint that you buy from the DIY store. Often you can but trade paint in tubs as large as 20 litres, which means that often you can complete all of your painting work with just a single tub of paint. You can avoid the wastage that always occurs when you buy multiple paint pots but can never quite finish them. Using fewer tubs of paint also makes storage far easier. You no longer need to be concerned about finding somewhere to stack pots of paint out of the way.

Greatly improved opacity

How many coats of paint does it normally take to finish a painting job? With standard paint, you can expect to apply three or more coats of paint before you achieve a finish that is satisfactory. With paint, such as Haymes trade paint, you can often apply just a single coat of paint, which lowers your material costs and cuts your labour costs substantially. The advantages do not stop there. The higher-quality of finish offered by trade paint means that you can also expect to wait longer between paint jobs further lowering your costs.

For further tips, reach out to a company that offers products such as Haymes trade paint.
