Repainting your home's living room is one of the fastest and most effective ways to refresh the look of the room. A new coat of paint can be transformative, both in creating a new feel and in giving the room a more contemporary and updated look. Feature walls have been a popular option in living spaces for several years now and will remain a trend for the coming year. If you're planning to use a feature wall to enhance your revamped living room, then here are three up and coming colour trends that you might like to consider.

1. Rich earthy tones

The pale and soft tones that have been popularised in recent years are now making way for a richer, deeper palette of earthy tones. Colours such as terracotta, burnt orange, deep rose and dusty violet are all beautiful examples of this colour theme.

Using these earthy tones on a single feature wall is a great way to embrace colour without the intense look of wall-to-wall colour. They'll add warmth, charm and brightness to your living room without making the space feel too enclosed or dark.

2. Native foliage hues

Continuing on with the trend towards more natural colour palettes, hues that are inspired by the foliage of native Australian plants are another on-trend option. Colours such as silvery greens and muted blues with grey undertones reflect the foliage from gum trees and native flowering shrubs.

The use of this type of colour scheme is a great way to connect your living room with the outdoors. They also help to create the sense of calm and natural beauty that is felt when you spend time out in the natural environment.

3. Lush textured jewel colours

Texture is a big current trend in interior design and this extends to paint finishes. Paints that recreate the look of fabrics such as satin and velvet and also the textural feel of stucco or natural stone are great if you'd like a living room that feels luxurious and a little bit decadent.

Jewel tones such as amethyst, emerald and ruby are excellent to combine with a textured paint finish. These rich, regal colours are perfect for creating a living room that is relaxing and has an understated and timeless elegance.

If you think that one of these feature wall ideas would be perfect for your living room, then discuss your ideas with your painting contractor. They'll ensure that the wall in question has been properly prepared and primed to create a wall that looks flawless and professional.
